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Oops! Pledged my floors!

Pledge is great for polishing up your wood furniture, so why wouldn't it be a great way to shine up your hardwood floors?  Answer: It will turn your floors into an ice rink!

Need quick, simple fix for the ice rink that is now your kitchen floor? I've got just the trick:

1 cup distilled white vinegar

1 gallon warm water

Wet a rag or mop (I love the Spinmop for all my mopping needs) with your vinegar/water mixture and wring it out until almost completely dry. Wash the floor in small sections, drying each section as you go.

This will remove the super slippery coating from the floors without damaging the wood and you will be safe from slips and falls in no time 😊

Also, how cute is this anti-fatigue mat from House of Noa?! This mat makes such a difference for my legs and back when standing and cooking in the kitchen whether its 1 hour or 6.  I highly recommend this brand, the mats are made to look like "rugs" rather than the standard ugly kitchen mat. They have a great selection of sizes and colors. Definitely worth checking out!

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